Living Fully,Aging Gracefully
Moving through the fear, anxiety and humility of LIFE, on Life's terms.
Learn how to feel comfortable in your skin.I used to think getting sober was the hard part, however I painfully discovered LIVING sober was even harder. Overcoming the crippling fear, desperation for the pain to stop and the sheer awkwardness of living are the real challenges. I will share with you all the things I had to learn the hard way, eliminating years of pain and suffering from your journey. I will share with you the secrets of truly LIVING a life filled with hope, happiness and joy.
Tools you will learn:
•How to eliminate racing thoughts •How to move through paralyzing fear and anxiety
•Strategies for more effective communication
•How to turn your so called “character defects” into your greatest assets •How to enjoy LIVING life on life’s terms
•How to transform your fear patterns into healthy habits
It is possible to live a sober life with infinite abundance and joy. "I’m Sober, Now What? How to deal with the fear, anxiety and humility of living life on life’s terms” is your cliff notes to fast tracking you to the life of joy you deserve. You have everything to gain and nothing to lose.
I'm coming up on my 30th anniversary in recovery and I'm working actively in AA, AlAnon, ACOA-AlAnon and a couple’s recovery group. I wish I had been able to read "I'm Sober, Now What" by Willow Green when I was first starting out so many years ago.
For anyone just getting started in recovery I recommend you get a home group, a meeting list, a sponsor, a Big Book, and a copy of "I'm Sober, Now What". These will become priceless tools to get you started, develop a meaningful program of recovery and provide a lifetime of guidance on your "road to happy destiny".
In Recovery,
Gene M
I have attended many meetings in many countries. I have read many books. I have been in recovery for many years. “I’m Sober, Now What?”, by Willow Green is the ultimate guide to recovery. She has brilliantly laid out the tools and how to implement them. This is a must read for anyone that is or has suffered from any kind of addiction. I would even recommend “I’m Sober, Now What?” to people without addiction. The book can help anyone struggling transform their life and find true happiness.
Norm, Nova Scotia
I've been sober almost four years through hard work, my higher power and the help of Alcoholics Anonymous. AA meetings and fellowship, along with continual work with my sponsor have created the necessary foundation to stay sober a day at a time. The program of AA is fantastic at providing tools and teaching people about the disease of addiction. Willow Green's "I'm Sober, Now What?" actually let's people pick up the tools of effective sobriety and shows them how to utilize these tools in their daily lives. This is a must read for anyone in recovery as it application can be applied on a daily basis.
Willow Green has taken what might seem to be a daunting task - changing direction and taking control – and offered a simple and straight forward approach to self-improvement. Sharing her own journey and sprinkling in stories of others, Willow lays out steps we can use to not only become the best version of ourselves, but to live a joyful and productive life on our own terms. This book is both instructive and thought provoking – well worth reading for anyone who feels stuck or just doesn’t feel they are living the life they truly want.
Shelley S.
30 min